Build confidence, knowledge and trust to have a positive birth experience. Understanding your options and knowing that you are entitled to make informed choices along the way gives you a great foundation to aim for a respected, dignified and safe birth.
Give yourself the care, support and rest you need and deserve. Having someone looking after you, listening to you and supporting you during pregnancy and the first weeks of early parenting will help you feel nurtured and confident as a parent.
Birth physiology overview
Safety, privacy and birth environment
What kind of support do you have and need
Tools you can use during pregnancy and labour to support the birth you want
Explore your priorities, expectations, fears and concerns
Comfort measures and pain relief options
Plan how we can best work together, clarifying exactly what kind of support you need from me
Plan practical logistics for birth and postpartum
Understand medical interventions and plan for how you would feel most supported
How you can advocate for yourself / your birth partner
Birth debrief
Breastfeeding support (if that's your choice)
Signpost and give you access to my network of postnatal therapists and experts
Babyminding to give you a chance to have some well-deserved time to go for walk, have a shower, have a nap - whatever matters to you
Support you so you can connect to who you are, as a person and as a newly-grown family
Cook nourishing meals at your place or bring them ready-to-eat (or to freeze)
Support with any light house work that helps you stay afloat and relaxed whilst looking after yourself and your family
What to expect:
4 antenatal sessions (approx. 2 hours each)
Telephone and email support for you and your birth partner from week 28 in pregnancy until 6 weeks postpartum
Personalised Hypnobirthing deep relaxations
On call from 10 days before expected due date until your baby is born
Hands-on support during labour and birth
2 postnatal visits in the first 6 weeks postpartum
Birth hamper box - a mix of teas, balms and other essentials that can support you during pregnancy and labour/birth
A selection of nourishing snacks and broths, nutritionally appropriate during pregnancy and adjusted to your taste
Bespoke in-person antenatal sessions and birth support
from £1400
What to expect:
4 antenatal sessions (approx. 2 hours each)
Personalised and guided Hypnobirthing deep relaxations
Ongoing telephone and email support for you and your birth partner from week 28 in pregnancy for 12 weeks, an opportunity to share concerns, ask questions and request resources
A selection of nourishing snacks and broths, nutritionally appropriate during pregnancy and adjusted to your taste
Bespoke in-person antenatal sessions
from £450
What to expect:
minimum of 12h of support
A chance to plan your postpartum period antenatally, looking at your pantry, your community, your routines and life logistics.
An opportunity to debrief your birth experience feeling emotionally supported and nourished.
Telephone and email support for you and your birth partner during the first 6 weeks
A selection of snacks and broths, nutritionally appropriate for your postpartum period and adjusted to your taste, on every visit.
Planning and cooking of bespoke meals to support your recovery and healing during those first tender weeks.
Bespoke in-person Postnatal Doula support
from £400
What to expect:
minimum of 25h of support
A chance to plan your postpartum period antenatally, looking at your pantry, your community, your routines and life logistics.
An opportunity to debrief your birth experience feeling emotionally supported and nourished.
Telephone and email support for you and your birth partner during your 4th trimester.
A selection of snacks and broths, nutritionally appropriate for your postpartum period and adjusted to your taste, on every visit.
Planning and cooking of bespoke meals to support your recovery and healing during those first tender weeks.
Bespoke in-person Postnatal Doula support
from £800

Online pregnancy, birth and postpartum support
£35 per hour (or £180 for 6h to use across pregnancy and postpartum)
What to expect:
Phone or video meetings
An opportunity to have companionship and emotional support during pregnancy and the 4th trimestre
Support with decision-making through specific concerns
Anxiety, stress and fear release
Online pregnancy support
£150 (for 12 weeks, can be extended if needed)
What to expect:
Ongoing telephone and email support
WhatsApp group with birther and birth partner
A space to share concerns and ask questions
Access to reliable and up to date resources that can help you make decisions throughout pregnancy
Online bespoke antenatal sessions
What to expect:
4 antenatal sessions (approx. 2 hours each)
Personalised Hypnobirthing deep relaxation sessions
Pregnancy virtual support for 12 weeks - telephone and email support for you and your birth partner, an opportunity to share concerns, ask questions and request resources
What does safety, privacy and environment look like in your desired birth
What support can you activate and what tools can you use to empower yourself and your birth partner
How would you like to communicate and have things be communicated to you during pregnancy and birth
What are the comfort measures and pain relief options available to you and how you can use them
What are the fears, narratives and preconceptions that you are carrying with you and how you can work past them